Trusting HIM in the storms of life….

Trusting HIM in the storms of life….

 After a full year of PT and strength training due to my ACL tear last year, we ventured to our beloved Telluride CO for our annual family ski trip.The first morning, I insisted that the crew go ahead of me, as I needed to spend some time in prayer to help calm my nerves of getting back out there.I prayed for strength, courage, and bravery in Jesus’ name.I asked God to put HIS mighty armor of protection around me and my family – so that we would all be safe up on that big snow-covered mountain.

“Just like riding a bike, my husband said” With 50+ years of skiing under my belt-asked God to be in control, not me. I put on my big girl pants, along with a big knee brace, and boldly headed up the mountain. After several runs, taking it very slow and easy, I was feeling really good (note first picture) I was SO excited, but committed to stay on the intermediate blue runs. I met one of my dear friends for a few more mellow runs, and then headed down to meet the crew for lunch and call it a day. It felt like I had overcome a huge hurdle. God had other plans.

As I was about to take off my skis at Mountain Village, I somehow lost my balance. I really don’t know what happened. All I do know is that in an effort to protect my previously injured knee, I fell full force on my right side onto compact ice/snow. The pain I felt was unbelievably intense, I knew I had a really serious injury. Unlike my ACL injury where I was somehow able to ski down on basically one ski, I could not even sit up.

After transport to the medical center, they confirmed the terrible news: I had shattered my femur in multiple places. Fast forward a 1.5-hour ambulance ride to a larger hospital, surgery, 4 nights in the Montrose CO. hospital, and a horrendous journey back to NC.I was in disbelief that our vacation had turned into a living nightmare.

But Lord… I prayed for you to protect me.

I can’t begin to tell you how shocked, confused, and upset I was.It was such a freak accident, and I wasn’t even skiing!I was just standing there.What in the world?

Lord, I prayed for you to keep me from harm.

Over the past 3 weeks since my accident- the overwhelming love and support poured out on me, and my family has been so incredibly comforting.I have heard from so many friends and family near and far. Delicious meals, cards and flowers have all been delivered.My heart and soul have been touched so deeply with all the compassion and prayers of others.

But Lord… why? Why am I injured again?

As for the WHY’S- I don’t have any answers. I only have my faith to lean on and TRUST that God has a plan and purpose in the setbacks and suffering.

Thank you, Lord, for protecting me, and my family.We are all safe.I will heal and be whole again.

This Easter offered an entirely new meaning of suffering to me.I was drawn to the scripture 1 Peter 2:24. This passage speaks of Christ's suffering and death, and how we are called to follow in His footsteps. Christ suffered on the cross, taking on the punishment for our sins, so that we might be forgiven and have eternal life. As followers of Christ, we too are called to suffer for His sake, and to imitate His example of love and sacrifice. Furthermore, Christ's sacrifice on the cross was not just for our forgiveness, but also for our transformation. By His wounds, we have been healed. May we always remember the sacrifice of Christ and seek to follow in his footsteps, imitating His example of love and obedience, and trusting in God's plan for our lives.

May this Easter be the reminder that because of Christ our pain can be transformed into purpose, our hopelessness can be turned into joy and whatever God has come to accomplish in our lives will be done.

I pray that in this season of healing, I can BE STILL and listen for ways me to transform and glorify HIM in the process.I am blessed with the most amazing team at Gracewear that will be covering for me in the coming weeks. I will look forward to seeing your smiling faces in the boutique or leave a comment to know that you’re here!

I am so grateful for my entire Gracewear Community that allows us to share the powerful message of hope, protection, and love through our Shield of Faith Collection.

Transform me Lord in this season,for your plan and your purpose.

In HIS name and for HIS glory alone…

xoxo Wendy

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